Saturday, September 22, 2012

running shoes mens his face a smile

e! How the left battalion? How? Is before the army left camp so bad awkward? How these three guys a staggering look like?
how feel the thorn troops stood by the king that guy seems to me?!) their brigade commander Wang Mazi war broke out like Lengtou Qing biting you are not promoted until you get you down! that Wang Mazi all day looking forward to war! a no battle to fight he was uncomfortable he and his men fight a virtue! directorate? paternity king really left the camp and our act together?! Li Cheng said that up forever. I Shibing Yu stunned the whole, are we wrong?
The Tsoying the name of the brigade commander in the end what? I can not Wang Mazi, Wang Mazi's call him! Appears to be a war break out to life people called king crazy talent I like
Zuoying brigade commander ~ ~!
Really speak of the devil to
Came from off-balance and open the drapery
The Wenwen quietly, age is not it like twenty-five to thirty, about the height of about Yi Miqi,running shoes mens, big eyes and a pointed face Nongmei Mao, his face a smile,shoes mens, the look and burly, the muscles do not believe him more than me and Shi Bingyu clean clothes in her waist, put a pistol, there's no other generals do the same with the broadsword!
Will not it? This is the king of a madman?! With them about how people do not like?! They speak, I listen to also think that Wang Degui is Wutaisancu, and the face Hengrou guy too!
The brigade commander, left the camp of former military Wang Degui see, Junshuai adults! Fuck! How to talk to bitch like? Soft-spoken?
Know paterni

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